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The Real Meaning of Halloween

Darkness falls across the land. The midnight hour is close at hand...

Tomorrow is All Saints Day, making tonight All Hallows Eve, or Halloween for short. It's the one time of the year when it's okay to NOT be yourself. Costumes are encouraged, and it doesn't seem to matter whether they're scary, silly, or just plain creative. My kids went to school this morning in full garb, ready to enjoy the moment. Tonight they will be gathering with friends to conduct the traditional ritual of going door-to-door to exchange their cry of "Trick or treat" for some candy and other goodies. It's quite the strange concept when you think about it.

I know it has its roots in ancient times with Pagans and Puritans, but today it represents something more important...the opportunity to live life in the moment. It's a time to use our imaginations that are too often stifled during the rest of the year. It's a time to be part of a fantasy without being ridiculed. It's a time for neighbours to see each other, and comment on how much the kids have grown. It's a time for kids to say "Thank you", like a hundred times, and an opportunity for parents to remind them that respect for property is always important. It's a time for parents to realize that their little princess, or superman really is a princess or superman to them. And when it's all over, it's a time for families to feel good about themselves, their communities, and the special memories they will carry forward with them to the next generation. That's pretty special in my book.

So tonight as you wander the neighbourhood seeking out your treasure, or fly on your broomstick to your annual gathering in Salem, remember to stay safe, warm, and aware. And most of all, remember that tonight it's okay to live in a make-believe world. But the best, most fulfilling, creative experiences you will ever have, are right here at home.

Oh...and one more thing....BOO! (I hope I didn't scare you too much.)


Reader Comments (1)

As always, I will pause over your roof top to cast a spell for good things to come your way again this year. And, no, I won't sweep your chimney while I am up there ;-)

October 31, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterPhyllis

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